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81% dropout when booking overnight accommodation or leisure

By analyzing thousands of sites (bigger in some small), SaleCycle (an e-commerce Specialties) a identifié les principales causes d’abandon lors d’un processus de réservation d’un loisirs ou d’une nuitée … À regarder de près dans un milieu où 81% des internautes quittent avant tout achat …

If you peer in stamping the ratio between the number of people visiting your site and the number of people who end up book with you, then the following data will interest you ! It also means that you have built an important indicator of your digital activity : your conversion rate (or rather, that your site).

What is the conversion rate of the trip Champions ?

The conversion rate, so this is the ratio between the number of people who enter your site during a given period (One day, one week, a month, etc …) and the number of people who end up book.

for example, if on 100 visitors to your site 1 one person ends up book, then your conversion rate is 1% … Pas mal !

Yes, il est bien écrit “pas mal” car, in the travel and leisure universe, seuls les grands champions comme Booking ou Expedia réalisent des taux de conversion astronomique de … 3,1% ! Yes, you read correctly: 3,1 small percent !

So, if your site is 1%, it's not so bad because, to do 3,1%, Booking and other OTAs have profiled their site such that the conversion is at most (see below).

In the reverse, cela veut dire aussi que pour obtenir une réservation par jour – avec un taux de 1% – vous devez attirer au moins 100 visiteurs chaque jour sur votre site …

In other words, for those who would break that 30 visitors a day to their website, cela signifie qu’ils n’enregistreront de nouvelle réservation qu’une fois tous les trois jours …

Avoid syncope watching your numbers

To replenish your conversion rate, nothing's easier :

One detail that could earn you a cold sweat on your conversion rate: it may be that you failed to remove your IP address of your Google Analytics. In that case, as you happen to go monitor your site from time to time, know that you are also counted(e) as a unique visitor; which can degrade your final calculation to your conversion rate (being lower than reality). On this link, see how to fix this on your Google traffic statistics.

More than dropouts to buy a bag or pants

according SaleCycle, So the trip is a very difficult world for conversion. More, also and above all, to abandon.
What is the dropout rate ? This is the reverse of the conversion rate (to pretty much) !

In fact, ce taux d’abandon calcule combien de personnes sont entrées dans votre site de réservation et l’ont abandonné avant même de passer à la case “Paiement”.

In the world of travel, the dropout rate calculated by SaleCycle is 81% ! While it is only 69% in the world of purchases of clothing and shoes online.

According to this specialist, if those reservations had not been abandoned, they would have shown a volume of 3.000 billion $ booking ! Is, 3 Once the capitalization of Apple (in August 2018, I specify, for readers who discover this post in centuries).

Several factors involved

We will not address every scenario to explain such dropout rates but, according SaleCycle, the most aggravating factors are :

Whether they are old bills (left) or modern aesthetic bill (right), both sites have no booking engine at first sight: their conversion rate is inevitably affected.

Watch every detail

The best way to analyze and correct your conversion rate ? Put yourself in the place of your customers: visit your site, faites le même parcours qu’eux et demandez-vous ce qui cloche … Au besoin, changez de site et de moteur de réservation car un dispositif qui fuit peut finir par vous coûter très cher en réservations et en revenus …

Thomas D.


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