Book with Madagascar Hotels Booking

CORSAIR supports the development of the tourism sector

The airline CORSAIR met the press this Malagasy 12 avril 2017, pour lancer officiellement sa nouvelle ligne Saint-Denis – Madagascar, already operational since Sunday 9 avril.

As a reminder, flights will take off from the island of Reunion to 12:30 every Sunday for arrival in Antananarivo at 13:10. Flights returns will be made on the same day, with departures at 18:00 and landing at 20:30. Passengers continuing to Paris can enjoy a night flight. The connection between Saint-Denis and Ivato is offered from 198 € TTC, is 700 000 MGA without baggage and € 238 or 833 000 MGA with baggage.

Malagasy operators greet the & rsquo; arrival of this new line at a very competitive price. All are unanimous, c & rsquo; is an excellent opportunity for the Big Island & rsquo; attract more Reunion in Madagascar. Cela permettra également aux Malagasy de voyager jusqu’à La Réunion à un prix “juste” selon les termes du premier responsable de CORSAIR Madagascar. “Par l’arrivée de cette nouvelle ligne, we allow Madagascar to reposition the tariff level. Nous souhaiterions mettre notre expérience sur la table pour soutenir le pays dans le développement du secteur touristique et pour que celui-ci soit reconnu comme un secteur stratégique”, did he declare.

For its part, PCA s & rsquo; s National Tourism Office of Madagascar (ONTM) indicated that & rsquo; arrival of this new online brand once again the & rsquo; effectiveness of & rsquo; open sky, very beneficial for the country. “Il ne nous reste plus qu’à souhaiter que les vols régionaux ne provenance des îles voisines atterrissent directement dans les zones hautement touristiques comme Nosy-Be, Sainte-Marie ou autre”. He also raised the possibility of proposing and easily sell tourist handsets from Reunion or & rsquo; Antananarivo connecting the Vanilla Islands, at a very attractive price.

As part of the show ITM 2017 of 08 the 11 June, CORSAIR support the & rsquo; ONTM in & rsquo; routing of international journalists and foreign travel agents guests eductour, One of the innovations of the show this year.

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