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J'aime Nosy Boraha !

Nosy Boraha

His flaws make its charm. She, c’est Nosy Boraha. Also called the Pirate Island, St. Mary deploys its wild charm, showing its natural appearance. A preserved environment welcomes you with open arms. The beaches are peaceful. The place is of unparalleled sweetness. The villages keep this traditional side, atypical. A walk along the beach, barefoot, you will feel you up in the caresses of fine sand and ripples that touch your calves under the sunshine.

If you do not want to spend time lazing in the shade of coconut trees, Wondering where you could make scuba diving. You will have the opportunity to explore the lagoons treasures.

Small surrounding islands are also wonderful that St. Mary. The island of Mats is part of this "small country" ... if you can call it ! It has also its history. The cemetery pirates speaks volumes. Hear the story of local guides and you will be amazed. The heads of the dead on graves and epitaphs engraved in it are impressive.

When discussing Sainte Marie, whales come to you immediately in mind. Effectively, if you are passing on the island between July and September, you will not miss in any way the festival whale. During this season, these marine mammals mate in the warm waters saint-Marie Island and there calve. A safari is therefore available to you. in marge, other activities surely will make you happy. See you in Nosy Boraha family, together, friends ... and why not solo ?

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