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Madagascar Is Ranked 19th In Destination To Visit 2017 Par The News York Times Travel

Madagascar is among the 52 countries to visit in 2017 according to the US magazine The News York Times Travel. Better, It is in 19th place. This is an emerging destination that is increasingly seen as an ecotourism paradise.

Madagascar has stabilized since the elections in politically 2013 and begins to attract tourists back to its stunning combination of jungles, beaches and reefs. The lemurs and chameleons are the main attractions of this island larger than France and Benelux together, located off the east coast of Africa. Whale sharks and humpback whales pass through its underwater world, baobabs big trench to dot the land and more 90 percent of mammals on the island are found nowhere else.

The accommodation options include environmentally luxurious retreats on the islands as the new Miavana and rainforest camps like Masoala Forest Lodge. And it's not as difficult as thinking : Air France and South African Airways offer one-stop flights from New York.

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