The pork with cassava leaves translated "henakisoa sy ravitoto" is a culinary specialties Malagasy whose fame began to take the scale. The combination of pork (pork) and chopped cassava leaves (ravitoto) results in a stew with exceptional taste.

Served with rice and tomato rougail, this dish is very appetizing. Everywhere you go on the island, you can find it in homes, both in town and in the countryside, in restaurants or from "vary mitsangana". Have you ever wandered by chance in the market Tana noon, lunch time ? If yes, You may have noticed these pots lined up in front of which people eat standing, lifestyle requires. These pots contain various preparations to accompany rice, main course in Madagascar. In one of these pots, il y a certainement du pork and ravitoto !

If during your trip to Madagascar, to prepare tent, Here are the ingredients :
– 250 g chopped cassava leaves for 500 g of pork (sure it is greasy)
– A clove of garlic
– ¼ L oil
– Cell
– A tablespoon sugar.

Start by cooking the meat cut into chunks.
The cook to obtain lard.
When the meat is golden brown, pour two glasses of water and cook for 20 minutes.
Add the cassava leaves, a little water, oil and salt.
After 30 minutes of cooking, put crushed garlic and sugar in the preparation.
The final firing will last an hour or more, time to let the water evaporate.
Serve hot !