Let's leave the beaten track to discover the natural wealth of Northern Madagascar ! Aux Frontières region of SAVA, DIANA et SOFIA se trouve le Complexe d'Aires Protected Areas d'Ambohimirahavavy Marivorahona ou CAPAM. From the time of the advent of the Protected Areas System of Madagascar or MPI, New Protected Areas were defined or NAP. The CAPAM in part. It is in the V and VI categories.

The topographically, the altitude variation 510 m to over 2 000 m CAPAM form a relief to dizzy. There are three peaks : le Toit de Madagascar called Maromokotra à 2 876 m, Marivorahona à 2 236 m et Ambohimirahavavy à 2 015 m. The reserve has an amazing biodiversity, in addition to the culture of the inhabitants which is very interesting. The latter is also a wholly biodiversity. Rural tourism practice it at will.

To discover the region, you can go trekking in the mountains. Ecotourism enthusiasts will also find their happiness. Bird enthusiasts meet their favorite animals at the lakes.

here is, in total, Inventory of wildlife riches of Northern Madagascar :

– 21 lemur species,
– 92 reptile species,
– 110 amphibian species,
– 153 avian species, and
– 41 mammal species.

The forest formations predominate. In the protected forest Bemanevika, Mahajanga, you will discover the duck with white eyes, endemic to the locals call "gana fotsy masochistic".